iProbono continued to support grassroots partners with a second phase of distributions to vulnerable communities
New Delhi, 29 July 2021 Summary: On 27 July 2021, Justice Rekha Palli of the Delhi High Court (DHC) ruled in an eviction matter that saves approximately 600 residents of …
iProbono presents the kinds of requests received from partners for advice on their internal policies
This is the third document in a series of legal information factsheets curated by iProbono on violence against women and girls
iProbono व HAQ ने POCSO मामलों में शिकायतकर्ताओं के अधिकारों की रक्षा के लिए वकीलों के लिए एक प्रैक्टिस नोट साझा किया
iProbono and HAQ: Centre for Child Rights share a Practice Note for lawyers on protecting the rights of complainants in POCSO cases