Strengthening Civil Society. Litigating for People in Need. Advocating for Equal Justice.

Decades of Abuse Exposed: A Landmark Conviction for Child Protection in Kashmir

Kashmir’s landmark conviction ends decades of abuse, empowering survivors to seek justice.
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Delhi HC Rules: No Joint Trial for Child and Adult Co-Accused

A landmark Delhi HC ruling ensures children in conflict with law won’t face joint trials with adults, reinforcing JJ Act protections.

Supreme Court Decision Champions Inclusion in Medical Education

The Supreme Court has struck down the ableist “both hands intact” requirement for medical students, making the field more inclusive for persons with disabilities.

Annual India Impact Report 2024

Our work at the intersection of child rights, disability justice, housing rights and criminal justice impacted over 6,800 lives last year.
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Redefining Acid Attack Survivors’ Rights

A landmark judgment transforms justice for acid attack survivors, ensuring holistic support for medical, emotional, and educational needs.

What We Do At iProbono India

If you are an NGO looking for legal support, a lawyer looking to engage in pro bono work, or if you would like to find out more about any of our work, please reach out to us at
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Children provided with comprehensive care

Drives Us

iProbono India is a
women-led social justice organisation whose mission is to enable people to access their rights.

The organisation was born of the recognition that legal professionals have a responsibility to use their skills to serve and empower individuals and communities who require support.

We bring together the legal expertise of our carefully curated community of panel and network lawyers, ground-level insights of our grassroots partners, and the ethos of social action litigation to advance justice and equality in India.

With work across Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, iProbono India focuses its efforts on child rights, housing justice, and strengthening civil society.

What They Say

Quote “Thanks to iProbono’s intervention, the District Patiala House Court passed an order granting interim compensation to the child. This will be an important resource for her to build her future. We would like to highlight iProbono’s proactive approach in ensuring that the case reached a successful conclusion.”
Founder, Managing Trustee, Udayan Care
Quote हमने प्रशिक्षण को अत्यंत उपयोगी पाया। एक महीने के भीतर, हमारे स्वयंसेवकों ने सत्र से प्राप्त ज्ञान का उपयोग करके प्रगति मैदान (दिल्ली) में एक अवैध बेदखली को सफलतापूर्वक रोक दिया।वे बस्ती के निवासियों से दस्तावेज और साक्ष्य एकत्र करने, अदालत में बस्ती का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए याचिकाकर्ताओं की पहचान करने और प्रभावित निवासियों की संख्या निर्धारित करने के लिए एक सर्वेक्षण करने में सक्षम थे – लगभग 64 परिवारों को बेसहारा और बेघर होने से बचा लिया।
Member, Basti Suraksha Mancha
Quote “The session conducted by the iProbono team on creating a more gender inclusive organisation was phenomenal. As an organisation working with transgender community and having trans community employees, TWEET required a customised intervention. They made sure that our team understood the nuances of community dynamics, using case studies that were contextual to our workplace.”
Co-chair, Tweet Foundation
Quote “हमारा घर लगभग 35-40 साल से है। आज, हमारे घर नष्ट हो गए होते अगर HLRN और iProbono के लोगों ने हमारा समर्थन नहीं किया होता। हम सभी अब शांति में हैं, सभी के चेहरे पर मुस्कान है। हम उन सभी का शुक्रिया अदा करते हैं जो हमारे साथ खड़े रहे।”
Resident, Manglapuri Basti, New Delhi
Quote “The success of non-profit organisations depends in large measure on handholding by like-minded associations. Mijwan Welfare Society has benefited greatly from the support given by iProbono over the years.”
President, Mijwan Welfare Society
Quote “Mixture of professionalism, efficiency and genuine interest and concern for our work. The foundation would probably not be registered today if it was not for iProbono. It was not just the money saved but the support to get something done which we were unsure how to do. So iProbono’s support made something happen with otherwise would have taken much longer. Thank you!”
Chief Financial Officer, Rangsutra Crafts India


Help us make justice more accessible

Your donation would support our work in providing legal support, comprehensive care, and emergency relief to: 

  • Vulnerable communities faced with housing and food uncertainty 
  • Children in need of care and protection
  • Children in conflict with the law
  • Survivors of sexual abuse, trafficking, and bonded labour
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