iProbono recently began a series of workshops aimed at increasing awareness around rights of vulnerable beneficiaries and planning their estate needs. We hosted the first two workshops under this initiative in Delhi and Mumbai – on August 19 and November 19 respectively.

Both the workshops addressed legal queries of parents and guardians regarding protection of interests of their wards living with autism. For both, iProbono’s civil society partners helped provide a platform for discussion to beneficiaries and their families, while representatives from our network partners in the legal community helped answer their various questions at hand. In Delhi, these partners were Action for Autism and Luthra & Luthra Law offices and, in Mumbai, they were Forum for Autism and Khaitan & Co.

Some of the topics discussed in these workshops were:

  • Protecting the welfare of a child through a will, in addition to the financial protection
  • Pros and cons of incorporating a Will versus a Trust
  • How to draft a trust deed
  • What happens when a trustee passes away
  • Recourse available if a trustee doesn’t perform their duties

Lawyers from both law firms made detailed and easy-to-understand presentations on estate planning for families with a disabled adult or child in need of organised care. They covered a series of key issues including – Trusts and Wills, the National Trust Act and guardianship.

The stakeholders present at the workshops found them valuable and relevant to their needs. One of the participants present said, “This particular workshop covered all aspects of wills, trusts and succession planning and gave a lot of clarity in terms of what actually makes sense, what do we include, what do we write and also gave a clear heads up on what to avoid – most probably the wrong things that can be implemented, which we are simply lacking. So, thank you very much for the workshop!”

Encouraged by how well the first two workshops have been received, iProbono India hopes to continue organising forums like this to inform and protect interests of vulnerable beneficiaries and their parents.

If you’re an NGO or organisation working to protect the interest of vulnerable beneficiaries and wish to help us organise a similar workshop or collaborate in other ways, then tweet to us at @iProbono or mail us at contact@i-probono.in.

Swati Jain – Senior Communications and Advocacy Officer, iProbono

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